
Scale Wall

The scale wall project started as a class project, and quickly evolved into something much greater. It was assigned to be our final project in studio. The program was to design a 200 square foot wall or ceiling surface. The goal of getting a client and working the project in a "real-world" scenario was suggested by our professor, so we took that idea and started.

I had some contacts from a previous project that I thought may have been interested, so I contacted them, and coincidentally, they had been looking for something like this for a while. We organized a team of eight and within 6 weeks produced a final piece for our clients.

The project is currently in its final place, at the Hi-Hat Lounge in Milwaukee, WI.

Volunteer Center

Dearborn Street Center for Volunteerism.

Downer Ave. Community Pool

The Downer Avenue Community Pool is a local arena for water sports and other related activities located in Milwaukee's upper East side. The local area surrounding Downer Avenue has access to this facility, which is conveniently located on a commercial strip near other important locations.

The project had strict demands of location and lot size. The facility had to be designed vertically, as the lot width was a mere 30 feet. Regardless of a small lot and other restrictions, this water center includes: a full length, four lane swimming pool, 1 and 3 meter diving springboards, outdoor sun deck, manager and lifeguard offices, full locker room support and spectator viewing areas.

Cardinal Stritch Library Renovation

The Cardinal Stritch Library renovation was one of my projects during my employment with Community Design Solutions. The project was to transform the schools conventional library into a contemporary media learning commons. Our implementations included: computer kiosk pods, lounge areas with appropriate furnishings, group study areas, temporary computer terminals, drink and snack serving area, and a redesigned entry and circulation desk. We provided detailed plans, photographs, and renderings of our designs to the school, which were then built the following semester. Some images and details can be found at their site